Thursday, August 10, 2006

NYC day 2

When we woke up, we got an excellent breakfast that Jamahl made; some roasted bread, something with eggs and cheese and a fresh cup of coffee.
We took the subway at 10:20 AM (2 dollar a ride), line E till we where near 14th street. That's a thing I really like about New York; it's always easy to find your way, because of the avenue-street patron.
We passed the Forbes magazine galleries, and walked on 5th avenue till the
Washington Square. This is near the NY university and there is a famous arch.
Then we walked through SoHo (we walked on Canal street) and Tribeca to the woolworth building and the civic center city hall.
There we headed towards Chinatown (we took the Mott street) and little Italy. After walking around in those nice district, we followed Broadway for a long time. But first we had a piece of pizza as lunch and got ourselves a soda in a Wendy's. Walking on Broadway, we passed; Union Square, Madison Square and the Flatiron Building. We went into one of the biggest stores: Macy's, it has nine floors (we noticed that the firstfloor the same is as the mainfloor here).
When we came out of the store it was raining, so we waited a little bit; and it was nice to have some rain, it's really hot here in NYC.
Afterwards we took a look in Madison Square Garden and Penn Station, followed by a bit of walking to the Empire State Building (we'll visit it tomorrow) and headed towards Park Avenue. Where we saw the Morgan Library and Grant Central Terminal. Then we took 41th Street to Bryant Park where the NY public library is situated. Then we went to Times Square and bought Broadway tickets in the Tkts shop in 46th Street. (Tickets for the same evening at 8:00 PM and they were $60, which is half of the normal price) So before going to see The Producers in St James theatre, we walked a bit around on Times Square, Broadway and had some more fastfood in a BurgerKing.
The musical was amazing, I really like that kind of theatre; the decors were stunning, the singing was great,... We had a wonderfull evening and saw Times Square again, but it was as beautiful as the first time. We got back in Queens at 11:30 PM

Thanks to everyone for the comments, and Brienne, sorry for writing your name wrong on the post, but I changed it, ttyl;

Kurt and Vincent (Who's writing our 250 photos we took today on a cd)

PS; thanks to Philip for having a link to our site and to mijn zusje Silke om te proberen deze vreemde taal te begrijpen en mijn tocht te volgen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hallo kurt,
ik ben blij te weten dat je mijn commentaar hebt gelezen.
mama heeft gebeld naar het reisbureau en ze heeft gevraagd of jullie nog iets moesten laten weten aan de tour. en het antwoord was nee.
mijn kamer is nu helemaal geschilderd.
Ik ben tevreden met het mooie resultaat. ik mis je echt heel hard! Maar ik vind het wel goed dat je je droom in vervulling kunt doen want dat is toch het belangrijkste he! door jou kan ik beter en beter engels. ik wou oefenen in de vakantie en dat doe ik ook!

nog veel geluk en dikke kussen van je zusje silke i love you

8/11/2006 7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hallo kurt,
ik ben blij te weten dat je mijn commentaar hebt gelezen.
mama heeft gebeld naar het reisbureau en ze heeft gevraagd of jullie nog iets moesten laten weten aan de tour. en het antwoord was nee.
mijn kamer is nu helemaal geschilderd.
Ik ben tevreden met het mooie resultaat. ik mis je echt heel hard! Maar ik vind het wel goed dat je je droom in vervulling kunt doen want dat is toch het belangrijkste he! door jou kan ik beter en beter engels. ik wou oefenen in de vakantie en dat doe ik ook!

nog veel geluk en dikke kussen van je zusje silke i love you

8/11/2006 7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Kurt

Belgiƫ maakt het in de wereld!
Twee jonge snaken veroveren het Amerikaanse continent. En op het EK atletiek haalden we net een tweede en een derde gouden medaille.
Haal het onderste uit de kan.
Laat de verwondering bij het aanschouwen van al dat moois gevolgd worden door bewondering.
Did you understand this text?


8/11/2006 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello vinne and kurt,
It is not only good for Silke's English . Reading the English is not difficult but answering is not easy.
So keep on writing and enjoy NYC

8/11/2006 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember I told you guys that my favorite building was the Chrysler Building? Thank you for photographing it, especially at night. Very cool...Art Deco.
Gray Coyote

8/17/2006 6:51 AM  

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