Friday, August 25, 2006

Monterey bay

First we went to Starbucks to have a croissant and a coffee (cappucino for Vincent, coffee Americano for Kurt). Then we headed to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, where we walked around for two hours and saw some amazing fishes, jellies, sharks, ... At noon we walked to the Fishermans Wharf, where we walked around and went in some souvenir shops, ... Then we went to Taco Bell, another fastfood restaurant, where Kurt had a Bean Burrito, cheese caesadilla and a coke for 5 bucks, Vincent ate a supreme Burrito and something else. Afterwards we started trying follow the signs of the path of history, which lead us to the first brick house, the city hall, an old jail, ... At 4:30 PM we went back to the hostel, but it was closed, so we had to wait half an hour. A bit later we walked to Pacific Grove, where we walked around and at 6:15 we went to an hamburger restaurant, before going to the movies. We saw at 7:40 PM You, me and Dupree in the Lighthouse cinema (Yes, another movie with Matt Dilan). It was a funny movie. Afterwards we walked to the ocean and followed it back to the hostel, where we arrived at 10:45. Then we wrote this blogs,...

Greetings Kurtand Vincent.

PS, thanks for the comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the news from the Californean coast, at the Pacific. We were very curious to hear how you were managing it. I suppose this last week (snik), can be the most instructive, a roadway to adulthood.
Some 'fait divers' from Kapellen.(near Antwerp).
Last weekend, Nils had a soccer tournament. THEY lost one match,there was one draw and WE won 3 other matches.Nils scored 3 of the 8 goals.
Our garden resembles more and more a childrens' zoo. Musti is now the lion who has to take care of Pluchke and his friend the small wild rabbit, of Lotje and his friend a magpie!, and the 3 new little chickens ( Brabant beard bantams).
Until now, we ate a burger once.

Of course,again we hope to hear from you soon.


8/26/2006 1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgette heeft ook je blog gelezen, ze stuurt je vele groeten ook van Caramel, ze is fier op een buurjongen die zo ver durft te reizen.

8/26/2006 7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurt and Vincent,
I am so happy that you two seem to be having a wonderful American experience on two coasts! Thank you for all your comments and photo! Didn't I tell you that you'd find more Mexican food/influence in California? I'm glad you enjoy the food enough to vary hamburgers with quesadillas (means "little cheeses" since they are basically melted cheese on a tortilla!).

Enjoy the rest of your trip. This site will help you remember the memories you are making!

8/27/2006 6:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello guys,

Enjoy your last days in the States. Spend all the money that you have and come home richer than you were before.

Mama Linda

8/29/2006 12:04 AM  

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